Media Library

The Foundation offers to its users: children, young people and adults who are interested in updating their research or academic work in science, technology and biology, the works transcribed on this website and the biographical and field work videos in the area of ecology and environmental protection. Biology, the works transcribed on this website and the biographical and field work videos in the area of ecology and environmental protection.

Various publications

In the books that begin our page you can find data that configure the rich personality of Oscar Efrén Reyes. Many intellectuals and people who have read his books, express their opinions about them, but few are those who know these characters that manifest this admirable and hidden intimacy. Witness of History is the biography that touches documentarily, this facet that can illuminate the criterion of a historian, or any scholar who wants to explain the reason for his personal interpretations.

In the same way, the personality of the historian is painted as a picture when we read his anecdotes and the fragments of letters, either written by him or received from others.

Breve reseña biográfica de Oscar Efrén Reyes

Brief biographical review of Oscar Efrén Reyes

Also available printing.

Fragmentos de cartas de Oscar Efrén Reyes

Fragments of letters from Oscar Efrén Reyes

Professionals and family members.



Interactive document.

Oscar Efrén Reyes – Testigo de la historia

Oscar Efrén Reyes – Witness to History

Complete work on the life and work of Oscar Efrén Reyes


Writings of Oscar Efrén Reyes

Among the variety of books written: historical, biographical, pedagogical, journalistic by Oscar Efrén Reyes, whose validity in our days is notorious and may continue to be so for many years to come, are: the History of the Republic, The Last Seven Years, the Brief General History of Ecuador, the Brief History of America, the Animated History of Ecuador; the Monographs of Baños del Tungurahua, The Life of Juan Montalvo, the Life and Work of Manuel J. Calle… and whose content and literary treatment can guide anyone who would like to find an objective, accurate and even humorous judgment of a historian or biographer. Calle… and whose content and literary treatment can guide anyone who would like to find an objective, accurate and even humorous judgment of a historian or biographer.

Baños del Tungurahua desde sus orígenes al cabildo

Baños del Tungurahua from its origins to the town council

Vida y obra de Manuel J. Calle

Life and work of Manuel J. Calle


Historia de la república

History of the Republic


Los ultimos siete años

The last seven years


Historia de América – Tomo VI

History of America – Volume VI

The Emancipation Process in the Quito Presidency

Clarification of the editors: In 1940, Oscar Efrén Reyes collaborated, in representation of Ecuador, with two chapters, in the great history of America, directed by Ricardo Levene, president of the Argentine Academy of History and printed in 20 volumes. We offer in the Web page the transcription of the two offprints.


Historia de América – Tomo X

History of America – Volume X

Offprint of Ricardo Levene’s History of America.

Clarification from the editors: In 1940, Oscar Efrén Reyes collaborated, in representation of Ecuador, with two chapters, in the great history of America, directed by Ricardo Levene, president of the Argentine Academy of History and printed in 20 volumes. We offer in the Web page the transcription of the two offprints.


Vida de Juan Montalvo

Life of Juan Montalvo


Historia animada del Ecuador y Breve historia de América

Animated History of Ecuador and Brief History of the Americas

These are two works whose photographs and drawings are in the archives of the Ministry of Culture of Ecuador.

1952 y 1963

Video library

Homenaje al historiador Oscar Efrén Reyes

Tribute to historian Oscar Efrén Reyes

Tribute of the National Academy of History to historian Oscar Efrén Reyes in 1992, on the 25th anniversary of his death.

Duration 55 min

Oscar Efrén Reyes y su libro “Los últimos siete años”

Oscar Efrén Reyes and his book “Los últimos siete años“”

Conference on the book “Los últimos siete años” given by historian Dr. Juan Paz y Miño.

Quito, january 2017

Duration 45 min
