Activities at the Oscar Efren Reyes Foundation

Culture and Education

The F.O.E.R. calls natural persons, cultural and ecological collectives to participate in any of the cultural activities, reading workshops, theater, music, crafts, environmental education and many more activities. It opens its doors to make agreements with other cultural managers in order to include a culture of diversity understanding the historical and natural processes.

Cultural chronicles

When our readers see these graphic chronicles, it will not always be clear why a group – or collective – as it is now called, insists on multiplying actions that include workshops, courses, conferences and even games that involve a constant effort and that do not bring any economic income.

Today, we live with the idea that this is useless. Children, teenagers, young people and adults, forget those workshops in which they participated with enthusiasm and joy and later they dedicate themselves to fight for subsistence.

But the active members of the foundation believe, against all odds, that these are the foundations of the culture that ennobles a people.

Although culture, as a wise man once said, is everything that is learned and then forgotten, something remains.

Thus, we wish to remember those who participated and remind ourselves that we are planting a tree that, someday, will produce benefits.

Community activities

casa sede de fundacion  Oscar Efrén Reyes

Projects executed between 2000 and 2010

Arte urbano en Baños

“Buzón Violeta” Campaign

“Buzón violeta” Campaign against gender violence

Vacations with rights


Full Space  Baños 2013

Creative expression in the street


View the photo album on Facebook

Chalk Festival 2013


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Proyecto Educación Arte Urbano

View the photo album on Facebook

The power of the word

View the photo album on Facebook

“Fuerza Vital” Women’s Art Festival


“Ecuador Rico y Diverso”

Workshops for the general community

Biographical area

Guided tours for students in the biographical room of Oscar Efrén Reyes

View the photo album on Facebook

Baños Ponte Pilas

Art and recycling workshops


Various publications

Brochure in honor of «Medalla del Bicentenario» 2012


Educational Department

The volunteer members have put their best efforts to serve the Country through the educational programs that are graphically detailed in the attached files: workshops, held from 2004 to 2014 in music, reading, art, theater, conferences, refresher courses for teachers, exhibitions, arts and crafts, restoration of the rooms of the Fray Enrique Mideros museum of the Basilica of Our Lady of Agua Santa de Baños, etc.

We offer to the readers of the website our work which is perhaps, as Reyes puts it in his History of the Republic:

“In the midst of the most terrible desolations, any noble motive to kindle some faith or to rekindle, energetically, in the aching national heart, some strong hope.”

Oscar Efrén Reyes

Environmental Department

Projects of investigation in progress: the monitoring of the mountain tapir or threatened amphibians in the Chamanapamba Forest Reserve, and the Reforestation and Habitat Restoration Project that we are carrying out in the region.

Find out more on our conservation projects page.


Guía de turismo sostenible
Baños de Agua Santa, Corredor Llanganates-Sangay

The tourism activity that takes place along the Llanagantes-Sangay Corridor requires a proper management for its conservation. Thus, together with several organizations and residents, this guide was created. A useful and necessary tool for the conservation of this natural habitat.

FOER is pleased to disseminate this tool thanks to the alliance it has maintained for more than ten years with the Ecominga Foundation and through it, the cooperation agreement with WWF.

Agro-ecological fair “Jardín de semillas”

Thanks to the agreement between the organizations of CESA, PACAT and FOER in March 2019 a space for the direct meeting of consumers and agricultural producers will be created.

Its purpose: to establish once a week an agroecological fair with producers, in addition to activities to sensitize the population of the canton Baños to responsible consumption and issues related to agroecology.

Producers from various associations in Tungurahua participate, among them: “Sabiduría Pillareña”, an organization formed by women from Píllaro, the organization of producers of Tungurahua PACAT and local entrepreneurs.

The name of the seed garden is inspired by the Andean tapir, which FOER maintains a conservation project in the region, since it is known as the gardener of the forests.

Discover the facebook of «Jardín de Semillas»